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Mark Abrahams

Dean of Science &

Professor, Department of Biology / Ocean Science Centre
Memorial University of Newfoundland

MA picture

Research People

Hedges, K. & M.V. Abrahams (submitted) A tale of scale: Effects of abiotic and biotic factors on predator-prey interactions and fish community composition

Hedges, K. & M.V. Abrahams (submitted) Hypoxia induced refuges and structure in freshwater fish communities

Chiu, S. & M.V. Abrahams (submitted) Turbidity as cover: are you safe if you can't be seen?

Allen, P.J., Barth, C.C., Peake, S.J., Abrahams, M.V. & Anderson, G.W. (2009). Cohesive social behavior shortens the stress response: the effects of conspecifics on the stress response in lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque. J. Fish Biology 74: 90-104. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V., M. Pink & C. Klassen (2009) Predator Avoidance. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. 

Abrahams, M.V.; Mangel, M.; Hedges, K. (2007). Predator-prey interactions and changing environments: who benefits?. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences. 362 ( 1487) 2095-2104. [PDF]

Biro, P.A., M.V. Abrahams & J.R. Post (2007). Direct manipulation of behaviour reveals a mechanism for variation in growth and mortality among prey populations.  Animal Behaviour 73: 891-896. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. (2006).  The physiology of anti-predator behaviour: what you do with what youšve got.  In: Fish Physiology (vol 24)  Behaviour and Physiology of Fish (eds. Sloman, K.A., Balshine, S., & Wilson, R.W.). pp. 79-108. 

Biro, P.A.,  M.V. Abrahams, J.R. Post & E.A. Parkinson (2006).  Behavioral tradeoffs between growth and mortality help explain evolution of sub-maximal growth rates. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 1165-1171. [PDF]
Biro, P, J.R. Post & M.V. Abrahams (2005).   Ontogeny of energy allocation reveals selective pressure promoting risk-taking behaviour in young fish cohorts. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 272: 1443-1448. [PDF]
Abrahams MV, T.L. Robb & JA Hare (2005).  Variation in opercula displays in response to physiological condition: evidence for an honest signal. Animal Behaviour 70: 427-432. [PDF]
Tymchuk WE, MV Abrahams & RH Devlin (2005).  Competitive ability and mortality of growth-enhanced transgenic coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch) when foraging for food. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:381-389. [PDF]
Biro, P, MV Abrahams, J.R. Post & C Thompson (2004).   Predators select against high growth rates and risk-taking behaviour in domestic trout populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 271: 2232-2237. [PDF]
Robb TL & MV Abrahams (2003). Variation in tolerance to hypoxia in a predator and prey species: An ecological advantage to being small?  Journal of Fish Biology 62: 1067-1081. [PDF]
Koops MA & MV Abrahams (2003).  Integrating the roles of information and competitive ability on the spatial distribution of social foragers. American Naturalist 161: 586-600. [PDF]
Robb TL & MV Abrahams (2002). The influence of hypoxia on risk of predation and habitat choice by the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas.  Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 52: 25-30. [PDF]
Tallman RF, MV Abrahams & DH Chudobiak (2002).  Migration and life history alternatives in a high latitude species, the broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus Ecology of Freshwater Fish 11: 101-116. [PDF]
Chudobiak DH, MV Abrahams & RF Tallman (2002).  Variation in the morphology of two populations of Arctic broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus  (Pallas), in the Mackenzie River.  In: Todd, T.N. & Glerscher, G., eds. Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes -- 1999  Archive fur Hydrobiologia Special Issues. 57: p. 291-305.
McGowan RA, C Bjornsson & MV Abrahams (2001). De-chorionation of fixed zebrafish embryos.  Biotechniques 31: 288-290. [PDF]
Mangel, M & Abrahams, M.V (2001). Age and longevity in fish, with consideration of the Ferox Trout. Experimental Gerontology 36: 765-790. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. D.M. Gillis, & L.D. Taylor (2000). Applying ecological principles on the job: engaging students in authentic environmental projects. Journal of College Science Teaching. 30: 166-171. 

Cartar, R.V. & M.V. Abrahams (2000). The infection of pyrola (Pyrola asarifolia; Pyrolaceae) by spruce cone rust (Chrysomyxa pirolata; Uredinales): morphological correlates in the host and consequences for spore dispersal. Ecoscience 7: 357-364.

Abrahams, M.V. & R.V. Cartar (2000). Within group variation in the willingness to risk exposure to a predator: the influence of species and size. Oikos 89: 340-344. [PDF]

Hartman, E.J. & M.V. Abrahams (2000). Sensory compensation and the detection of predators: the interaction between chemical and visual information. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences. 267: 571-575. [PDF]

Abrahams M.V. & T.C. Pratt (2000). Hormonal manipulations of growth rate and its influence on predator avoidance/foraging tradeoffs. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 121-127. [PDF]

Koops, M.A. & M.V. Abrahams (1999). Assessing the Ideal Free Distribution: Do guppies use aggression as public information about patch quality? Ethology 105: 737-746. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. & A. Sutterlin (1999). The foraging and antipredator behaviour of growth enhanced transgenic Atlantic Salmon. Animal Behaviour 58: 933-942. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. & L.M. Dill (1998). The value of titration experiments for the quantification of behavioural trade-offs. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 44: 147-148. [PDF]

Koops, M.A. & M.V. Abrahams (1998). Life history and the fitness consequences of imperfect information. Evolutionary Ecology. 12: 601-613. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. & M.G. Kattenfeld (1997). The role of turbidity as a constraint on predator-prey interactions in aquatic environments. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology. 40: 169-174. [PDF]

Cartar, R.V. & M.V. Abrahams (1997). Predicting the distribution of organisms among a few patches: problems with detecting departures from an ideal free distribution. Oikos 78: 388-393.

Cartar, R.V. & M.V. Abrahams (1996). Risk-sensitive foraging in a patch departure context: a test with worker bumble bees. American Zoologist 36: 447-458. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. (1996). Interaction between young-of-year fathead minnows and brook sticklebacks: effects on growth and diet selection. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 125: 480-485. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. (1995). The interactions between antipredator behaviour and antipredator morphology: experiments with fathead minnows and brook sticklebacks. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 2209-2215. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. (1994). Risk of predation and its influence on the relative competitive abilities of two species of freshwater fishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51: 1629-1633. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. & M.C. Healey (1993) Some consequences of variation in vessel density: a manipulative field experiment. Fisheries Research 15: 315-322. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. & M.C. Healey (1993) A comparison of the relative willingness of four species of Pacific salmon to risk exposure to a predator. Oikos 66: 439-446. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. & L. Townsend (1993) Bioluminescence in dinoflagellates: a test of the burglar alarm hypothesis. Ecology 74: 258-260. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. (1993) The trade-off between foraging and courting in male guppies. Animal Behaviour 45: 673-681. [PDF]

Johnsson, J.I. & M.V. Abrahams 1991 Domestication increases foraging under threat of predation in juvenile steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): an experimental study. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48: 243-247. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. & M.C. Healey (1990) Variation in the competitive abilities of fishermen and its influence on the spatial distribution of the British Columbia salmon troll fleet. . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47: 1116-1121. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. (1989). Foraging guppies and the ideal free distribution: the influence of information on patch choice. Ethology 82: 116-126. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. & L.M. Dill (1989). A determination of the energetic equivalence of the risk of predation. Ecology 70: 999-1007. [PDF]

Godin, J-G.J., L.J. Classon & M.V. Abrahams (1988). Group vigilance and shoal size in a small characin fish. Behaviour 104: 29-40. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. & P.W. Colgan (1987). Fish schools and their hydrodynamic function: a reanalysis. Environmental Biology of Fishes 20: 79-80. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. (1986). Patch choice under perceptual constraints: a cause for departures from an ideal free distribution. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 19: 409-415. [PDF]

Abrahams, M.V. & P.W. Colgan (1985). Risk of predation, hydrodynamic efficiency and their influence on school structure. Environmental Biology of Fishes 13: 195-202. [PDF]