Simultaneous Equation Models Exercises

Exercise 13.2

From Section 13.4 of Ramanathan, the ILS estimate of  is given by = SCI / ( SCI + SII ). Applying OLS to the reduced form equation for Yt , we get = SYI / SII (compare this with equation (3.12) in Ramanathan). From equation (13.14) we see that = 1 / (1 - ). Hence the ILS estimator is
Because Y = C + I , we have
Hence, = ( SYI - SII ) / SYI ) = SCI / ( SCI + SII ), which is the same as . Therefore ILS can be applied to the reduced form of either Ct or Yt .

Exercise 13.4

a. Because there are three endogenous variables, at least two variables (either endogenous or exogenous) must be absent in each equation. In the second equation A and X are absent. In the third equation M, Y, and U are excluded. The third equation is therefore overidentified (Y and U are available as instrumental variables for A). The second equation is exactly identified (there are no endogenous variables that need instruments).
b. The equation for M is already in the reduced form. For A we have.
Solving for A we get the reduced form for A as.
The reduced from for is .
c. First regress A against a constant, Y, P, and U and save Ahat. Next regress X against a constant, P, and Ahat to obtain estimates of beta1, beta2, and beta3.
d. The second equation has no other endogenous variables and so is already in the reduced form. OLS will bive estimates that are unbiased and consistent.
e. Because A is correlated with v (see b above), OLS estimates of the third equation will be biased and inconsistent.

Exercise 13.5

a. I would expect alpha2>0, alpha4>0, alpha5<0, beta2<0, beta3<0, gamma2>0, and , gamma3>0. The sign of alpha3 is ambiguous: if POPDEN is high there are more houses to burgle and hence POPCRIME might go up; on the other hand, if an area is dense, more people might be alert and report crimes. Simlilarly, the effect of age on the incidence of violent crime ( beta4) is ambiguous.
b. We need two variables (endogenous or exogenous) to be absent from each equation. The first equation has DEATH, MEDAGE, and VIOLNTCRIME missing;  the first two are exogenous variables that can act as instruments for POLICE, which is endogenous. The second equation has MEDHOME, POPDEN, UNEMP, and PROPCRIME missing; the first three of these are exogenous variables that can act as instruments for POLICE. The third equation has MEDHOME, POPDEN, UNEMP, DEATH, and MEDAGE missing; all of these are exogenous variables that can be used as instruments for PROPCRIME and VIOLNTCRIME. The order condition is therefore satisfied by all equations.
c. First regress each of POLICE, PROPCRIME, and VIOLNTCRIME against a constant, MEDHOME, POPDEN, UNEMP, DEATH, and MEDAGE, and save the predicted values. In the second stage use the predicted values in place of the actual values and estimate the three equations. In obtaining residuals and standard errors, however, actual values for these variables will be used.

Exercise 13.6

Substituting for y1 from the first equation into the second and solving for y2, we get
pi1 x1 + pi2 x2 + pi3 x3 + epsilon1
Substituting this into the first equation, we have
y1 =  (alpha1 pi1 + alpha2) x1 + alpha1 pi2 x2 + alpha1 pi3 x3 + epsilon2 =  nu1 x1 + nu2 x2 + nu3 x3 + epsilon2
Note that nu2 = alpha1 pi2 and nu3 = alpha1 pi3. Hence, alpha1 can be estimated two ways as nu2 / pi2 and as nu3 / pi3. Thus the model is overidentified and the appropriate estimation procedure is 2SLS. In the first stage, regress y1 and y2 against x1, x2, and x3 and compute yhatand yhat2 . Next estimate the two structural equations using yhati  instead of yi (i - 1,2).

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Updated April 7, 2006