** Chapter 19.1 ** for W.H. Greene, Econometric Analysis 6th ed. **************** * (c) Noel Roy 2003, 2008 * * SERIAL CORRELATION * *=============================================================================== * * 19.1 INTRODUCTION * * Example 19.2 Autocorrelation Induced by Misspecification of the Model (p. 626) * TIME 1953.0 1 SAMPLE 1953.0 2004.0 READ (TableF2-2.txt) Year,GasExp,Pop,Gasp,Income,PNC,PUC,PPT,PD,PN,PS /SKIPLINES=1 * * Replicate Figure 19.2 GENR lGpop = LOG(GasExp/Pop/Gasp) GENR lPg = LOG(Gasp) * (a) Regression on log Pg ?OLS lGpop lpg /GRAPH GENR lny = LOG(Income) * (b) Regression of log Pg, log I/Pop ?OLS lGpop lpg lny /GRAPH * (c) Full regression GENR LPnc = LOG(Pnc) GENR LPuc = LOG(Puc) GENR LPPT = LOG(Ppt) GENR LPN = LOG(Pn) GENR LPD = LOG(Pd) GENR LPS = LOG(Ps) ?OLS LGPOP LPG Lny LPNC LPUC LPPT LPN LPD LPS YEAR /GRAPH * (d) Full regression, separate coefficients * Break up the sample by setting dummy variables for 1975-95. * GENR PER2=DUM(YEAR-1974) GENR LPG2=LPG*PER2 GENR LnY2=LnY*PER2 GENR LPNC2=LPNC*PER2 GENR LPUC2=LPUC*PER2 GENR LPPT2=LPPT*PER2 GENR LPN2=LPN*PER2 GENR LPD2=LPD*PER2 GENR LPS2=LPS*PER2 GENR YEAR2=YEAR*PER2 ?OLS LGPOP LPG LnY LPNC LPUC LPPT LPN LPD LPS YEAR PER2 LPG2 LnY2 LPNC2 & LPUC2 LPPT2 LPN2 LPD2 LPS2 YEAR2 /GRAPH * * STOP * *=============================================================================== * * Updated November 7, 2008