** Chapter 22 ** for W.H. Greene, Econometric Analysis 6th ed. ***************** * (c) Noel Roy 2003, 2008 * * NONSTATIONARY DATA * *=============================================================================== * 22.2 NONSTATIONARY PROCESSES AND UNIT ROOTS * * 22.2.1 Integrated Processes and Differencing * * Example 22.1 (p. 740) A Nonstationary Series * TIME 1950.1 4 SAMPLE 1950.1 1983.4 READ (TableF21-2.prn) /NAMES * Generate Figures 22.1-21.3. GENR Logprice=LOG(P) GRAPH Logprice /LINEONLY NOKEY GENR dlogp=Logprice-LAG(logprice) GRAPH dlogp /LINEONLY NOKEY BEG=1950.2 GENR d2logp=dlogp-LAG(dlogp) GRAPH d2logp /LINEONLY NOKEY BEG=1950.3 * * Generate the autocorrelations of the log Price variable and its * first and second differences. * The ARIMA command with the NDIFF= option specifies the order of differencing to * transform the data. * ARIMA Logprice / NLAG=10 PLOTAC ARIMA Logprice / NLAG=10 PLOTAC NDIFF=1 ARIMA Logprice / NLAG=10 PLOTAC NDIFF=2 * STOP * *=============================================================================== * Updated November 19, 2008