* SHAZAM PROCEDURE FOR ESTIMATION OF THE RANDOM COEFFICIENT MODEL * FOR POOLED TIME-SERIES CROSS-SECTION DATA * FOR USE WITH SHAZAM VERSION 7.0 SET NOECHO PROC RANDCOEF * The assumptions are cross-section heteroskedasticity but no * correlation between cross-sections and no serial correlation. * Estimation is by GLS. The estimation procedure is a 2-step * procedure. The first step is OLS estimation of the individual * cross-sections. These results are used to form the GLS estimator * in the second step. * References: Judge, Griffiths, Hill, Lutkepohl, and Lee, 1985, * The Theory and Practice of Econometrics, 2nd Edition, * Chapter 13.5, pages 538+. * Dielman, Terry, E., Pooled Cross-Sectional and Time * Series Data Analysis, 1989, Chapter 5. *=================== Procedure variables ================================= * The data must be arranged with the time series for the first * cross-section followed by the time series for the second * cross-section etc. That is, in the form required by the SHAZAM * POOL command. The panels must NOT contain missing observations but * the time series lengths may differ across cross-section units. * Input variables must be defined as follows: * NCROSS: number of cross section units (N) * NTIME: an array of order (Nx1) with the number of observations * in each cross-section. * BEG: the position of the first observation (eg. BEG: 1) * DEPVAR: dependent variable * INDEPS: list of independent variables. The list must first give the * variables with fixed coefficients (if desired) followed by * the variables with random coefficients. * A constant is automatically included and is always assumed * to be a random coefficient. * NFIX: The number of fixed coefficients. If all coefficients are * random then specify NFIX: 0 * Output variables must be defined as follows: * RESID: Transformed residuals * COEF: Estimated coefficients. If COEF: BETA is specified then * on output BETA will contain the mean parameters and * BETA1, BETA2, ... will contain the estimated parameters * for cross-section 1, cross-section 2 etc. * STDERR: Estimated standard errors. If STDERR: STD is specified then * on output STD will contain the estimated std.errors for the * mean parameters and STD1, STD2, ... will contain the * std.errors for the parameter estimates for cross-section 1, * cross-section 2 etc. *======================================================================== SET NODOECHO GEN1 N2_=[BEG]-1 ?DO #=1,[NCROSS] GEN1 N2_=N2_+[NTIME]:# ENDO * OLS estimation SAMPLE [BEG] N2_ ?OLS [DEPVAR] [INDEPS] ?GEN1 NOBS_=$N ?GEN1 K_=$K GENR ONE_=1 GENR [RESID]=0 SAMPLE 1 K_ GENR [COEF]=0 * Initialize working arrays GEN1 KR_=K_-[NFIX] IF1(KR_.LE.0) KR_=1 GEN1 KRB_=K_-KR_+1 DIM SB_ KR_ KR_ SUM_ KR_ SSB_ KR_ KR_ G_ 1 WEIGHT_ NOBS_ * Estimate each cross-section by OLS GEN1 N2_=[BEG]-1 ?DO #=1,[NCROSS] * Check that enough observations SET NOWARN IF(([NTIME]:#).LT.K_) STOP SET WARN GEN1 N1_=N2_+1 GEN1 N2_=N1_+[NTIME]:#-1 SAMPLE N1_ N2_ ?OLS [DEPVAR] [INDEPS] / COEF=[COEF]# COV=ECOV#_ ?GEN1 SIG2#_=$SIG2 ?GENR WEIGHT_=1/SIG2#_ COPY [COEF]# BRAN_ / FROW=KRB_;K_ TROW=1;KR_ * The next statement is needed because ECOV is symmetric. MATRIX ECOV#_=ECOV#_ COPY ECOV#_ CRAN_ / FROW=KRB_;K_ FCOL=KRB_;K_ TROW=1;KR_ TCOL=1;KR_ MATRIX SB_=SB_+BRAN_*BRAN_' MATRIX SUM_=SUM_+BRAN_ MATRIX SSB_=SSB_+CRAN_ MATRIX IECOV#_=INV(CRAN_) ENDO * Estimation assuming cross-section heteroskedasticity * and equal coefficients for all cross-sections (Judge, p.543) SAMPLE [BEG] N2_ ?OLS [DEPVAR] [INDEPS] / COEF=BETAW_ WEIGHT=WEIGHT_ PRINT BETAW_ ?GEN1 LLF0_=$LLF * Construct test (Judge p. 542-543, Dielman, p. 99-102) COPY BETAW_ BMAN_ / FROW=KRB_;K_ TROW=1;KR_ ?DO #=1,[NCROSS] COPY [COEF]# BRAN_ / FROW=KRB_;K_ TROW=1;KR_ MATRIX BRAN_=BRAN_-BMAN_ MATRIX G_=G_+BRAN_'IECOV#_*BRAN_ ENDO SAMPLE 1 1 GEN1 DF_=KR_*([NCROSS]-1) ?DISTRIB G_ / TYPE=CHI CDF=PVALUE_ DF=DF_ GEN1 PVALUE_=1-PVALUE_ ** Test for H0: the individual coefficients are NOT random. ** Under H0 the statistic G is asy. Chi-square with d.f.=DF * Under the alternative the coefficients may be regarded as fixed * and different or as random and different. Thus this test may be * regarded as an indirect test for randomness. FORMAT(F15.4,F12.0,F16.4) PRINT G_ DF_ PVALUE_ / FORMAT * Construct the DELTA matrix (the covariance matrix for the * the coefficients) (Judge p.542) MATRIX SB_=(SB_-SUM_*SUM_'/[NCROSS])/([NCROSS]-1) MATRIX DRAN_=SB_ - SSB_/[NCROSS] MATRIX DET_=DET(DRAN_) * Make an adjustment if the matrix is negative definite (Judge p. 542) SET NOWARN IF(DET_.LE.0) MATRIX DRAN_=SB_ SET WARN DIM DELTA_ K_ K_ VARCOV_ K_ K_ COPY DRAN_ DELTA_ / TROW=KRB_;K_ TCOL=KRB_;K_ FROW=1;KR_ FCOL=1;KR_ * Construct the GLS estimator (Judge p. 539-540) ?DO #=1,[NCROSS] MATRIX VARCOV_=VARCOV_+INV(DELTA_+ECOV#_) ENDO MATRIX VARCOV_=INV(VARCOV_) ?DO #=1,[NCROSS] MATRIX [COEF]=[COEF]+INV(DELTA_+ECOV#_)*[COEF]# ENDO MATRIX [COEF]=VARCOV_*[COEF] *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Calculate the transformed residuals from GLS estimation GEN1 NT_=[NTIME]:1 DIM X_ NT_ K_ Y_ NT_ P_ NT_ NT_ GEN1 NTB_=NT_ GEN1 N2_=[BEG]-1 * The following instruction was added on October 17, 2001 to prevent * a Divide by Zero error in Shazam 8.0. DELETE DET_ GEN1 DET_=0 ?DO #=1,[NCROSS] GEN1 NT_=[NTIME]:# GEN1 N1_=N2_+1 GEN1 N2_=N1_+NT_-1 * If unequal observations then allocate arrays appropriately SET NOWARN IF(NT_.NE.NTB_) ?DELETE X_ Y_ P_ IF(NT_.NE.NTB_) DIM X_ NT_ K_ Y_ NT_ P_ NT_ NT_ SET WARN COPY [INDEPS] ONE_ X_ / FROW=N1_;N2_ FCOL=1;K_ TROW=1;NT_ TCOL=1;K_ COPY [DEPVAR] Y_ / FROW=N1_;N2_ TROW=1;NT_ MATRIX P_=FACT(X_*DELTA_*X_'+SIG2#_*IDEN(NT_)) MATRIX Y_=P_*Y_-P_*X_*[COEF] COPY Y_ [RESID] / TROW=N1_;N2_ FROW=1;NT_ MATRIX Y_=LOG(DIAG(P_)) ?STAT Y_ / SUMS=G_ BEG=1 END=NT_ GEN1 DET_=DET_+G_ ENDO * Get the sum of the squared residuals SAMPLE [BEG] N2_ GENR ONE_=[RESID]*[RESID] ?STAT ONE_ / SUMS=G_ ?GEN1 LLF_=-NOBS_*(1+LOG(2*$PI))/2 + DET_ - NOBS_*LOG(G_/NOBS_)/2 ** Value of the log-likelihood function PRINT LLF_ SAMPLE 1 1 GEN1 LRTEST_=2*(LLF_-LLF0_) GEN1 DF_=KR_*(KR_+1)/2 ?DISTRIB LRTEST_ / TYPE=CHI CDF=PVALUE_ DF=DF_ GEN1 PVALUE_=1-PVALUE_ ** Likelihood ratio test for H0: the individual coefficients are NOT random. ** Under H0 the statistic LRTEST is asy. Chi-square with d.f.=DF FORMAT(F15.4,F12.0,F16.4) PRINT LRTEST_ DF_ PVALUE_ / FORMAT *--------------------------------------------------------------------- ** GLS estimation of the mean of the model parameters ** (the intercept parameter is last). FORMAT(F15.0) PRINT NOBS_ / FORMAT SAMPLE 1 K_ MATRIX [STDERR]=SQRT(DIAG(VARCOV_)) MATRIX TRATIO_=[COEF]/[STDERR] FORMAT(3F15.4) PRINT [COEF] [STDERR] TRATIO_ / FORMAT *--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Now get the individual estimates using the method in * Kadiyala and Oberhelman, Response Predictions in Regressions on * Panel Data, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, * Vol. 11, 1982, pages 2699-2714. * This is equivalent to the estimator described in Judge, p. 541. * Kadiyala and Oberhelman note that this estimator should be more * efficient than OLS applied to each cross-section when * N is "large" and T is "small". ** Estimates of the coefficients for each cross-section ?DO #=1,[NCROSS] MATRIX MAT_=INV(DELTA_+ECOV#_) MATRIX W1_=DELTA_*MAT_ MATRIX W2_=ECOV#_*MAT_ MATRIX [COEF]#=W1_*[COEF]#+W2_*[COEF] MATRIX ECOV#_=ECOV#_*W1_'+W2_*VARCOV_*W2_' MATRIX [STDERR]#=SQRT(DIAG(ECOV#_)) MATRIX TRATIO_=[COEF]#/[STDERR]# SAMPLE 1 1 ?GEN1 I_=$DO GEN1 NOBS_=[NTIME]:# FORMAT(2F15.0) PRINT I_ NOBS_ / FORMAT SAMPLE 1 K_ FORMAT(3F15.4) PRINT [COEF]# [STDERR]# TRATIO_ / FORMAT ENDO ?DELETE FORMAT DELETE / ALL_ SET DOECHO PROCEND * *=============================================================================== * Updated October 17, 2001 by noelroy@mun.ca SET ECHO