For this assignment you are asked to choose a book that reflects a piece of qualitative reserach.  After reading the book, you should prepare an oral presentation that fits within the following time frames:  15 minutes for your own description and discussion of the book, and 10 minutes for questions and answers from others in the class and for discussion of issues related to data analysis.

The presentation should provide a good overview of the research, its methodology, and its findings.  As well, it is essential that you present a critical analysis of the analytical approach/method used in the study.  Through the presentation, others should have an undestanding of the study, and should be introduced to your critical views about the analysis (including its strengths and its weaknesses).

Books that may be used for this assignment include those listed below.  This list is not intended to limit your choices, however if you wish to use something not on the list it is recommended that you discuss the choice with the instructor.  The only criteria is that the book reflect a discrete piece of qualitative research.

Selected Empirical Studies Utilizing Qualitative Analysis

Anderson, Elijah.  A Place on the Corner, 1978

Becker, Howard S.  Outsiders:  Studies in the Sociology of Deviance, 1963

Becker, Howard S et al.  Boys in White: Student Culture in Medical School, 1961

Bogdan, Robert.  Freak Show: Presenting Human Oddities for Amusement and Profit, 1988

Bok, Sissela.  Lying:  Moral Choice in Public and Private Life, 1978

Bosk, Charles L.  Forgive and Remember:  Managing Medical Failure, 1979

Bromley, David G. and Anson D. Shupe, Moonies in America:  Cult, Church, and Crusade, 1979

Buckholdt David R. and Jaber F. Gubrium.  Caretakers, 1979

Caplow, Theodore et al, Middletown Families:  Fifty Years of Change and Continuity, 1982

Cavan, Sherri.  Liquor License, 1966

Cressey, Donald R.  Other People's Money:  A Study in the Social Psychology of  Embezzlement, 1953

Dalton, Melville.  Men Who Manage:  Fusions of Feeling and Theory in Administration, 1959

Douglas, Jack et al.  The Nude Beach, 1977

Edgerton, R. B.  The Cloak of Competence:  Stigma in the Lives of the Mentally Retarded, 1967

Erikson, Kai.  Everything In Its Path: Destruction of Community in the Buffalo Creek Flood, 1976

Gans, Herbert.  Urban Villagers:  Group and Class in the Life of Italian-Americans, 1962

Gans, Herbert.  The Levittowners:  The Ways of Life and Politics in a New Suburban Community, 1967

Goffman, Erving.  Asylums:  Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates, 1959

Goffman, Erving.  Stigma:  Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, 1963

Gusfield, Joseph.  The Culture of Public Problems:  Drinking-Driving and the Symbolic Order, 1981

Heilman, Samuel C.  Synagogue Life:  A Study in Symbolic Interaction, 1976

Hesslink, George K.  Black Neighbors:  Negroes in a Northern Rural Community, 1968

Heyl, Barbara Sherman.  The Madame as Entrepreneur:  Career Management in House Prostitution, 1979

Hochschild, Arlie R.  The Unexpected Community:  Portrait of an Old Age Subculture, 1978

Humphreys, Laud.  Tearoom Trade:  Impersonal Sex in Public Places, 1975

Irwin, John.  The Felon, 1970

Jacobs, Jerry.  Fun City:  An Ethnographic Study of a Retirement Community, 1974

Johnson, Sheila K.  Idle Haven:  Community Building Among the Working-Class Retired, 1971

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss.  Men and Women of the Corporation, 1977

Klockars, Carl B.  The Professional Fence, 1975

Kornblum, William.  Blue Collar Community, 1974

Krieger, Susan.  Hip Capitalism, 1979

Krieger, Susan.  The Mirror Dance:  Identity in a Women's Community, 1983

Latour, Bruno and Steve Wollgar.  Laboratory Life:  The Social Construction of Scientific Facts, 1979

Leibow, Elliott.  Tally's Corner:  A Study of Negro Streetcorner Men, 1967

Lofland, John.  Doomsday Cult:  A Study of Conversion, Proselytization and Maintenance of Faith, 1977

Lofland, Lyn.  A World of Strangers:  Order and Action in Urban Public Space, 1973

Lopata, Helena Znaniecki.  Occupation:  Housewife, 1971

Lyford, Joseph P.  The Talk in Vandalia:  The Life of an American Town, 1964

Matthews, Sarah.  The Social World of Old Women:  Management of Self Identity, 1979

Reimer, Jeffrey W.  Hard Hats:  The Work World of Construction Workers, 1979

Roebuck, Julian B. and Wolfgang Frese.  The Rendezvous:  A Case Study of an After Hours Club, 1975

Roth, Julius.  Timetables:  Structuring the Passage of Time in Hospital Treatment and Other Careers, 1963

Rubin, Lillian, Worlds of Pain: Life in the Working Class Family, 1976

Scott, Marvin B.  The Racing Game, 1968

Shibutani, Tamotsu.  Improvised News:  A Sociological Study of Rumor, 1966

Sudnow, David.  Passing On:  The Social Organization of Dying, 1967

Suttles, Gerald D.  The Social Order of the Slum:  Ethnicity and Territory in the Inner City, 1968

Warner, W. Lloyd.  The Living and the Dead:  A Study of the Symbolic Life of Americans, 1959

Warren, Carol A. B.  Identity and Community in the Gay World, 1974

Whyte, William F.  Human Relations in the Restaurant Industry, 1948

Whyte, William F.  Streetcorner Society:  The Social Structure of an Italian Slum, 1955

Wiseman, Jacqueline.  Stations of the Lost:  The Treatment of Skid-Row Alcoholics, 1970