Philosophy 2800 - Contemporary Problems
Andrew Latus
Fall, 2001
Essay Topics

Due: Nov. 27, 2001
Draft Deadline:  Nov. 6, 2001

Assignment:  Write an approximately 5 page paper (typed, double-spaced or the handwritten equivalent) on one of the topics below.

1.  Various instances of civil disobedience have been in the news lately, particularly in connection with anti-globalization protests in places such as Seattle and Quebec.  Along with this, there has been much discussion of when (if ever) such civil disobedience is justified.  Martin Luther King Jr. provides an argument in support of civil disobedience in his "Letter from Birmingham Jail," .  However, his argument does not apply to all the forms of civil disobedience that have been in the news lately.  He writes:  "In no sense do I advocate evading or defying the law..." (285)  Others, as can be seen by their actions in those protests, disagree.  Discuss King's account of when civil disobedience is morally allowable and use this to develop (and defend) your own view.  Under what conditions is civil disobedience morally acceptable?

2.  "The Assisted Human Reproduction Act" is presently being considered by a committee of our parliament.  If passed in its present form, it would prohibit human cloning (with no exceptions).  In large part, this proposal has been made because of moral concerns people have about human cloning.  Gregory Pence, however, thinks that there are no good reasons for thinking human cloning is morally wrong.  Explain Pence's reasons for thinking this.  Are they convincing?  Defend your view.

3. In the wake of the events of Sept. 11th in the U.S.A., many (although not all) Canadians have taken the view that, while the U.S. would be morally justified in launching a military response to the attacks, there are limits on the sort of response that would be morally acceptable.  What seems to lie behind this is something like a 'Just War' theory.  Discuss such theories and explain when, if ever, wars are just.  Defend your view.

If you want to write on another topic, see me by Oct. 31st & you may be allowed to do so.