Additions to Lecture II

Strengths & Weaknesses of Deontology & Consequentialism


Strengths of Consequentialism


-Practical, Results-oriented View


-Relatively clear how to make ethical judgments

simply reflect on consequences


Weaknesses of Consequentialism


-How can we know all the consequences of an action?


-How can we compare utility from person to person?


-Do we include all generations?  All species?


-Will utilitarianism lead us to ‘repugnant conclusions’?


In theory, any kind of action could be justified if the consequences of the situation work out just right.


Strengths of Deontology


-Sets clear moral boundaries


-Some things just can’t be done


-Possibility of multiple principles allows for flexibility


-Only on pluralist versions of deontology


Weaknesses of Deontology


-If we don’t rely on consequences for moral justification, then can we find a convincing case for identifying basic moral principles?

-Deontology’s basic approach is not as simple as consequentialism’s


-Deontology can seem overly ‘legalistic’


-i.e., too focused on rules

-too inflexible

