
Instructions: Transcribe only the vowels in the following words, separating each vowel with a space. Use narrow transcription (stressed syllables: [iː, ɪ, eɪ, ɛ, æ, ɑ, ə, ʌ, aɪ, ʌɪ, aʊ, ʌʊ, ɔ, ɔɪ, oʊ, ʊ, uː]; unstressed syllables [i, ɪ, e, ɛ, æ, ɑ, ə, ʌ, aɪ, ʌɪ, aʊ, ʌʊ, ɔ, ɔɪ, o, ʊ, uː]). Do not transcribe syllabic [m̩, l̩, n̩], but do transcribe [ɜ˞] or [ə˞] where relevant. Indicate vowel nasalization where possible.

97. beat
98. guest
99. laugh
100. sign
101. though
102. dye
103. caught
104. bit
105. among
106. consist
107. people
108. vision