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The Simon Wiesenthal Centre

Contains an excellent timeline of the events of the Holocaust and how it occurred.


The BBC's detailed coverage of the Holocaust, including true stories from survivors throughout the world.

Nazism Exposed

A powerful site containing information on hate propaganda.  It explains how Neo-Nazis try to influence people, how to distinguish hate symbols and how to prevent the spread of hate propaganda.

The Internet Modern History Sourcebook

An excellent educational resource with detailed accounts of the events of the Holocaust.  This site also contains many of Hitler's speeches and describes his methods of gaining support.


Good historical account of the Holocaust.


Focuses on the events of the Holocaust and how important it is to continue to remember the horrific events of the Holocaust.  This site also has audiovisual recordings of recollections made by survivors.


A historical site dedicated to ensuring that Holocaust deniers do not succeed.  It also has a frame by frame account of a typical Nazi propaganda film and how such films were used to influence public opinion.


A detailed and chilling historical site containing pictures and accounts of the the Holocaust, highlighting how horrific the event was. 



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