League of Nations



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Yale University Avalon Project

Yale University's Avalon Project that looks at the historical events of the 20th century and the covenant of the League of Nations.


A comprehensive website with links to many of the events and the history of initiatives of the League of Nations.

An Age of Anxiety

Many links to pages and original documents that deal with the events and issues of the interwar period in Europe as well as the rest of the world, including the direct results of the First World War and the League of Nations.

League of Nations Timeline

A very detailed timeline of League of Nations events, initiatives and membership from 1920 to 1946. Also has several links.

Photo Archive

An elaborate photo archive looking at the League of Nations and events that took place throughout the organisation's existence.


Document archives of the League of Nations found at Northwestern University.


A map looking at the member-states of the organisation and the time that they joined.

Wikipedia Entry

Online encyclopaedia entry for the League of Nations, containing a good summary of the organisation and its structure, as well as several internal and external links for further research.



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