Spanish Civil War



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Central Themes

A site examining the central themes and deeper meanings and significances of the war.

History of Spain

Good page on the history of Spain, with information in the Second Republic, the Civil War, a timeline of the Francoist Dictatorship, the democratic transition in the 1970's and 1980's as well as contemporary Spain and its constitutional arrangements.

Photos and Archives Site

A site with an archive of various documents, photos, and links of the battle. Particular focus on the role of anarchists.

Photograph, Drawing and Propaganda Collection

Links to several large collections of Spanish Civil War drawings, photographs and propaganda posters, with very useful captions and explanatory notes.

About the Spanish Civil War

Many links to essays, letters and photos from the Spanish Civil War from writers such as Ernest Hemingway and George Orwell. A great deal of the information deals with the foreign volunteers who fought on the Republican side.

Links Page

A strong links page to many different websites providing various information about the Spanish Civil War.


An elaborate series of maps that demonstrate the key events that occurred throughout the war.


From 1931 through to the final Nationalist victory. Also has several links and pictures.

Essays on the Spanish Civil War

Essays on the Spanish Civil War by Albert Weisbord, a leading radical Communist in Western Europe in the 1930's. Covers many aspects of the war; the international volunteers, life during the war, the politics of those fighting on the Republican side as well as the fighting itself.

Politics of the Spanish Civil War

Details the political actors in the war on the Nationalist and Republican sides.


A comprehensive bibliography examining much of the literature to do with the war.




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