While cleaning out Lesley's locker, we discovered a new element!! Imagine that!!! And wouldn't you know, it sparked a mixer poster!!!

MUNCS Presents

Proposed name and symbol Proposed by Possible Reason for Rejection
Whateverium ?? First Years Who listens to first years?
Phuxogen Fu MUNCS Doesn't seem right to pay for it
Iron Ir Biochemist Already been used
Rockarenium Rk Baby Leafs Copyright held by SOHILCO
Fred Fd Fred Nobody likes Fred
Bytemium Bm  Mimmie Fictional characters can't propose names
Keanium Ck Oxygen Bump Boy Found to be a copy of another element.
Beefcakium Bf Eric Cartman Jeff thought it was him
Myhandsarnum Brrrrrr Rene Not a proposal, just an observation
Welovedrlucasium  4204 / 3211 classes Extreme sucking up not allowed
Sphynctonium * Captain Xerox Ewwwww!
Goo Gü Alden and Colin You can't have a gooey gas, although they beg to differ
Kutanpastium Kp Darryl Found to be a compilation of other elements, but recognized Anyway 

  Come to the mixer and help us decide.       

When: Friday, February 27, 1998
Where: C - 4019
Time: 5- 8 pm
ID's for 19 required
NABS available