Religious Studies 3251

The Gospel of John

Instructor: D. J. Hawkin

Office: A5030

Telephone: 864-8173

Winter Semester 2016

Slot 20

Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Course Description:

In the Johannine Writings we deal with the Gospel of John and the three epistles attributed to John. The course will focus in particular on the group of Christians who produced these writings - the "Johannine Community". How did these Christians come to believe what they did? How did they relate to other Christians? Some of the answers to these questions may surprise you. It is probable, for example, that the Apostle John did not write Gospel, and in fact had nothing to do with it. It is also probable that the person or persons who were responsible for the Gospel and the epistles were estranged from the majority of their fellow Christians. Religious Studies 3251 will not only examine such historical questions about the origins and beliefs of the Johannine community, but also encourage you to think about the implications of what you have learned.

Course Textbook

D. J. Hawkin, The Johannine World.

There are also assigned readings on D2L (see list below). You are advised to consult these readings well ahead of the specified dates.

Course Evaluation

Test 1 @ 25%

Test 2 @ 25%

Final Examination @ 50%

The date of the final examination will be set by the Registrar.


1. The tests may only be written at the time prescribed by the instructor.

2. There will be no deferred tests. If you have missed a test for a valid reason your final mark will be based on the remaining test plus the final.

3. If you miss the final examination you must apply for a deferred examination.

Course Readings

The Gospel of John (preferably in an RSV version)

The Johannine Epistles (preferably in an RSV version)

W. Bauer, Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity, pp. xxi-xxv.

H. E. W. Turner, The Pattern of Christian Truth, pp. 26-35.

E. Käsemann, The Testament of Jesus, pp. 4-16.

R. E. Brown, The Community of the Beloved Disciple, pp. 93-135.

Other readings will be assigned from time to time
