Lecture 27
Support and Movement

Overview of lecture

Functions of Skeletons


Hydrostatic Skeletons of Hydra and Earthworm

Suitability for Aquatic Habitat; Drawbacks

Exoskeleton of Grasshopper

Preadaptation for life on land

Success and Plasticity of Form of Insects

Endoskeleton of Fish and mammal

Adaptations for water or land

Functions of Skeletons




Functions of Skeletons

If weight bearing resists gravity

Framework for structure

Functions of Skeletons

Acts as mechanical resistance for muscles

Provides firmness for muscles to work against

Functions of Skeletons

Hard skeleton protect against mechanical injury

Exoskeletons can also protect against water lost

Movement (locomotion)

Ciliary movement or by contraction of muscles

Accomplished by microtubules in cilia

Muscles work by shortening in length

Microfilaments (actin and myosin) in muscle cells

Levers cause actin and myosin to slide across each other’s surface

Expenditure of ATP

Two antagonistic muscles work against each other, cause opposite movements

Examples of Skeletons

Hydrostatic Skeleton of Hydra and Earthworm

Exoskeleton of Grasshopper

Endoskeleton of Fish and Mammals

Hydrostatic Skeletons

Water-filled closed compartment under pressure

Muscles surround compartment: provide pressure

Contraction of antagonistic muscles causes distortion of shape for movement

Circular muscles contract decrease diameter

Water is non-compressible: diameter decrease increases length

Longitudinal muscles contract to decrease length

Water is non-compressible: length decrease increases diameter

Drawbacks of Hydrostatic skeletons

Limited to aquatic or soil dwelling animals

Water provides buoyancy, soil some support

Offers no protection

Not weight bearing: limits size

Hydrostatic Skeleton of Hydra

Hydrostatic skeleton is GVC

Mouth must be closed

Longitudinal muscles in epidermis

No circular muscles

Movement of Hydra

Water taken in by flagella in GVC expand GVC

Longitudinal fibers in epidermis contract to become short and fat

If mouth is open water is expelled

Tentacles move independently of body to allow prey capture

Hydrostatic Skeleton of Earthworm

Coelom is divided by septa

 Individually controlled hydraulic chambers

Both circular, and longitudinal muscles in body wall

Movement of Earthworm

By peristalsis

Waves of muscle contraction travelling along length

Alternating contraction and lengthening of segments

Setae provide anchorage

Contraction of long. muscles shortens segments

Pulls body forward

Contraction of circ. muscles lengthens segments

Pushes body forward

Exoskeleton of Grasshopper

Non-living non-cellular layer on surface of body

Secreted by epidermis

Composed of chitin and protein

Movement of Grasshopper

Jointed appendages move for locomotion

 Thinner at joints to allow movement

Appendages are weight bearing: allows for crawling and jumping

Muscles are not associated with body wall

 Muscles bundles on inside, attached to exoskeleton

Antagonistic pairs allow movement of appendage in both directions

Third pair of legs are long with powerful muscles for jumping

Two pairs of wings for flight

Anterior pair stiff like fixed wings of planes

Posterior pair are membranous provide lift and propulsion

Significance of Exoskeleton

Driving force behind evolution of insects

Most successful group of animals (over 50%)

Plasticity of form and appendages

High diversity

Waxy layer on cuticle makes it waterproof

Highly adapted for land

Growth requires molting of exoskeleton

Weight of exoskeleton limits size

Fish and Mammal Endoskeletons

Cartilage or bone

 Living tissue

Solid core vs hollow tube (exo)

Allows endo to have more mass therefore are better at weight bearing

Largest animals have endo

Muscles are antagonistic and attached to outside of bones

Appendages are jointed allows for crawling, walking, jumping, running

Axial skeleton is skull, spine, rib cage

Appendicular skeleton is appendages and pectoral and pelvic girdles

Swimming by fish

Perch has swim bladder for buoyancy

Sinusoidal movement: side to side, in wave

Thrust provided by tail fin

Pectoral, pelvic fins for steering

Mammalian Movement

Thorax and abdomen lifted off ground by appendages

 Propelled by paired appendages

Comparison of Land and Water for Support and Movement

Water is 1000X more dense than air

Water provides buoyancy

In water skeleton is not weight supporting

On land skeleton is weight bearing

Fish Skeleton

Vertebral column positioned centrally

 Ribs numerous and weak

 Sternum absent: no ribcage

 Lack of bones in appendages [fins]

Mammalian Skeleton

Vertebral column is more dorsal: weight hangs from vertebral column

Chest with strong ribs and sternum: weight bearing

 Cantilever suspension: vertebral column is supported by pelvic and pectoral girdles