Experimental Station Report for VX9MRC Wireless Hill NL J. Craig 21 November 2009. The VX9MRC experimental transmitter was commissioned on 23 October 2009. The aerial comprised a 100 metre wire aproximately 10 metres above ground level per Figure 2 of the research proposal, page 4. The reactive component was tuned using about 50 uH; the resisitive component was about 50 ohms. The earthing system consisted of radials with lengths 30, 100 and 150 metres. With 100 watts of transmitter output power, an aerial current of 1.7 amperes was realised. A frequency of 507.770 was selected based on available knowledge of current American and European band usage. Some rudimentary mesasurements were made on the distribution of earth currents and with slight changes in the elevation of the antenna. These were found to be consistent with expectations. Approximately 15 hours a week were spent actviely operating the transmitter and soliciting signal reports. About 40 hours a week were used to operate the transmitter in beacon mode. Several communications were had with experimental radio station VX9PSO (now VX9ZZZ) in Nova Scotia. Signal reports were exchanged as were data concerning propagation conditions and other signals heard. (Table 1) On another occasion, the transmitter was operated as a beacon and signal reports were solicited from other amateurs during a net operation. It was noted that although the signals were weak up to distances of 500 km, they were consistently readable, whereas on the net frequency of 3.7 MHz, signals were poorer than usual and communications sometimes required relays. A number of other stations were heard on the band using digital modes and analogue voice. These were usually in the form of beacons transmisions although several 2-way communications were heard between stations. These were often near 501 kHz for the Eruopean stations and around 506 for the American stations. Digital modes were also heard. This included WSPR mode near 503 kHz and a strong radioteletype signal near 500 kHz. No reports were received concerning interference although a staion operating SSB in Europe was said to be causing interference to European stations attmepting to receive VX9MRC at certain times A European and American signal near 507 kHz were difficulty to distingish at times becase they were close in frequency. Many reports were received from stations in Europe, Canada and the United States. (Table 2). Reports were also received from amateurs in Newfoundland and Labrador. Future plans include the erection of a vertical antenna, the effect of changing the earth system and height of the antenna, and the assessing the utility of a practial amateur 500 kHz system for local emergency communication by continuing to encourage local amateurs to report on the signals. This could lead to information on the minimum antenna requirements for a practical communication system on 500 kHz. It is also hoped to experiment with FSK modes. Table 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 oct 09 2235 501.050 507.77 EI0CF 559 529 Finbar 26 2134 504.4 507.77 VX9PSO 449 579 2245 501.05 507.77 EI0CF 569 539 27 2220 EI0CF 559 539 29 2106 EI0CF 569 529 30 2250 504.0 VX9PSO 559 569 31 2250 VX9PSO 559 569 beverage better for rx 01 nov 09 2136 2143 VX9PSO 569 578 2245 2307 501 EI0CF 579 559 2259 504.2 508.50 VX9PSO 579 589 hack 2202 2213 504.2 508.5 VX9ZZZ 579 569 07 2314 2331 504 407.77 VX9ZZZ 599 599 2336 2347 501 507.77 EI0CF 569 559 08 2313 2330 501 EI0CF 589 559 2340 2349 504 VX9ZZZ 579 579 09 nov 2208 2239 501 508.5 G3LDO 0 0 2253 2307 504 508.5 VX9ZZZ 569 589 13 0114 0124 507.77 507.770 WE2XGR/1 459 349 14 2245 2259 501 507.77 EI0CF 579 559 recordings exchanged 2333 2351 504 507.77 VX9ZZZ 579 579 16 2253 3236 501.2 507.77 OR7T M M ON7YD 2330 2340 504 VX9ZZZ 589 579 19 2330 2340 504.2 407.77 VX9ZZZ 589 579 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 10 2009 VO1NA 589 (PA0RDT MINIWHIP/Pouch Cove) 24 0053 VO1HP 579 (K9AY LOOP) 0307 VO1XP 579 (Windom) 25 VE1VDM O 26.10.2009 AA1A 27. 2250 AA1A (508.500 kHz) 27 2312 AA1A (508.5 kHz) 31 VO1GXG 599 01 11 2009 WE2XGR/6 01 0320 WD2XSH/37 449 02 0033 AA1A 549 03 0140 VE2PEP 449 03 0435 WD2XSH 559 (508.5) 03 W1XP 05 0034 VE2PEP NIL 05 0100 SM6BHZ 439 0400 DL8AAM O 2145 LA9BEA O 07 0017 AA1A 559 2241 VE2PEP O 2340 AA1A 569 08 0818 VE7BDQ O 0906 579 / 1651 329/ 1931 529 VE1ZZ 11 W2ORS 11 G4TMV 549 13 WE2XGR/1 339 14 2229 ON7YD 339 QRM FROM NDB Z on 508 ? VO1UL VO1SJH 1237 VO1RYL 359 1802 VO1RYL 599 1723 VO1VZ 599 2111 VO1RYL 599 2100 ON7YD 329 QRM FROM NDB Z on 507.98 kHz 2209 G3XBM 329 1010 559 / 1740 419 /0925 569 15 F4DZTL O RN3AGC T (CW on ARGO) 2100 VO1RYL 579 ON7YD O QSB VO1YR O 16 ON7YD O VE2PEP O 16 RN3AGC O 17 DL8AAM O 17 VO1YR O 18 0227 RN3AGC 0 18 2225 PA3CPM O SSB QRM 18 0557 WD2SXH/37 5 19 0354 G4TMV O