Amateur Radio in St Pierre... The Newfoundland Connection.


Under construction at the moment....

Postcards from St Pierre. Top: the rhombics are just visible in the upper right half. Bottom: The Attaboy amateur station of FP8AP.
Aeroport, rhombics.

Summer 2011 photo showing remains of one of the famous FP rhombics. Foreground: wooden top pole, background cement bases of the triangular
tower which was used to support the wire.

St. Pierre from 25,000 feet, July 2016.

1957: Alastair Drysdale FP8AX, Roly Peddle FP9AY (per. com. VO1BD 10 jan 2010)

Between 1979 and 2007 (and possibly as early as 1985), the authorities ceased issuing FP0 callsigns to nonresidents. FP/home call was used by visiting amateurs.

More history:
History includes VO1FB -> FP8BD June 1959. Gus FP8AP 25 Aug 1952 VO1BF -> FP8AX c 1958 FP8CW ReneĢ ILHARREGUY, 1966 FP8YL Marie Laure, Miquelon, 1974. LINKS Has section on St Pierre p4 73 magazine. Dec 1971.