Examen Partiel (15 % = 30 points ÷ 2), jeudi 10 octobre 2013


(a) In Part A: Grammar Units 1-3, including everything assigned for study in your textbook and on the Internet (such as verb conjugations), everything assigned for written work in your weekly grammar assignments, and everything covered in class.

In Part B: (b) Question B.I: The articles studied in class. You must be able to recognize all the vocabulary in the texts and any grammatical structures discussed in class. (c) For Question B.II: the active vocabulary for the articles Georges Street Festival and Des motocyclettes jugées indésirables found on the Vocabulaire actif Web page.

Important notes:

1. Give only one answer for each question.
2. No materials may be consulted.
3. All answers must be written on the examination paper itself.
4. All answers must be written in ink.

A. GRAMMAIRE (18 points = 9 %)

For these questions you will be responsible for all of the VERB FORMS of tenses studied in Grammar Units 1 to 3, all of the syntax (USAGE) of the tenses and moods studied in these Units, and all of the VOCABULARY used in assigned homework exercises for these three Units.

I. (6 questions = 6 points) Morphologie (formes) des verbes : indicatif présent, impératif présent, impératif passé, futur proche, futur simple, futur antérieur, conditionnel présent, conditionnel passé, imparfait, passé composé, plus-que-parfait, participe présent.

Exemple :

1. Conditionnel passé : Je (résoudre) le problème.

Réponse : aurais résolu

II. (2 questions = 2 points) Le présent. Format : exercice 1-6, Workbook, p. 4.

III. (2 questions = 2 points) Le passé composé et l'imparfait. Format : exercice 9-10, Workbook, p. 84.

IV. (2 questions = 2 points) Le passé des verbes de mouvement. Format : exercice 10-13, Workbook, p. 104.

V. (2 questions = 2 points) Le futur simple et le futur antérieur. Format : exercice 11-3, Workbook, p. 112.

VI. (2 questions = 2 points) Le conditionnel présent et passé. Format : exercice 11-17, Workbook, p. 118.

VII. (2 questions = 2 points) Could, should et would. Format : exercice 11-18, Workbook, p. 118.

B. TEXTES ET VOCABULAIRE (12 points = 6 %).

I. (6 questions = 6 points) Vous donnerez l'équivalent exact en anglais ou en français de chaque expression en italique.

Exemple :

Ces lauréats de trois Junos et de très nombreux autres prix...

Réponse : winners (ou personnes qui ont remporté un prix)

(Phrases will be taken from the readings studied in class, and students must supply an exact equivalent in English or French of one or several highlighted words. Must be in the tense, number, etc., corresponding to the quotation. FOR THIS QUESTION YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RECOGNIZING AND UNDERSTANDING ALL OF THE VOCABULARY IN THE TEXT STUDIED.)

II. (6 questions = 6 points) Vocabulaire actif. Vous donnerez l'équivalent exact en français de chaque expression anglaise entre parenthèses. Cet équivalent doit être celui trouvé dans le texte original que vous avez étudié. Les dix expressions seront prises dans la page Internet Vocabulaire actif du cours.

Exemple :

La Ville de Saint-Jean, à Terre-Neuve, veut faire interdire la circulation de (motorcycles) bruyantes dans ses rues.

Réponse : motocyclettes

(Words in English from the vocabulaire actif in course Web pages will be chosen and given in a short phrase quoted directly from the text we have studied. The answer must be the exact equivalent of the word in French in the same tense, number, etc. as written in the text we have studied. FOR THIS QUESTION YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE ONLY FOR THE VOCABULARY LISTED ON THE "VOCABULAIRE ACTIF" WEB PAGE).