AF, on "Defying Difference."

The Disney film, The Princess and the Frog, captures many of the themes that have been discussed in class. Walt Disneys’ strong belief in home and work is a central component of this film. One of the lines repeated several times by both the main character Tiana and her father is that hard work is what pays off. The home is where Tianas’ father cooks and teaches her to cook, and where everyone gathers to be together.
There is also the presence of a strong female character Tiana. Before the release of this film, Disney had produced princesses who needed to be saved or rescued by charming princes. However, Tiana takes care of herself and works hard to get to where she wants to be in life, which is owning her own restaurant. She is also almost always saving the main male character, Navine from sticky situations.  A small twist on the usual Disney storyline.
                A final aspect of the movie, and the one I think is most important, is that  Disney supports the idea that there is nothing wrong with being different, and being different should not hold you back from what you want in life. No matter who or what you are, you can live out your dreams. Tiana is a poor girl from the slums of New Orleans who wants to own her own restaurant, Louis the trumpet playing alligator wants to play in a real band with humans and even Ray, the lightening bug, is in love with Evangeline a star.  The song that I have chosen, Defying Gravity, along with the clips within the video come together to show this theme.