EC, on "Stand by Me"


For my video I chose The Fox and the Hound, which I used to highlight the counter argument of critics who claim Disney, is racist in their human and animal films. This argument claims that Disney does not allow other races or species to interact without stereotype. Also, in these situations, critics often argue that when the different races are portrayed one is made out to appear superior. In the case of The Fox and the Hound however, the fox, Tod, and the hound, Copper, come together despite the efforts made by those around them to prevent it.
                  As this video depicts, Tod and Copper start off as friends without question, but those around them tell them they can’t be together, and even go to extremes to keep them apart. Eventually, they begin to adopt the mentality that they can’t be friends because they are different species and come from two different worlds. This mentality even causes them to turn against each other for a brief period of time. However, when it came to a point when they needed each other the most they stood by each other.
                  I particularly thought this Disney film was fitting to anti-racism theme as it also highlights the violence that can come from racial disputes. Because Copper and Tod were told they had to be enemies based on their species, they reach the point of attacking each other. However, I feel the overall message in the end was that race doesn’t matter and we should be kind to and support each other.
                  I chose to highlight this theme using the song Stand by me by Ben E. King. To me this song symbolizes the central idea that no matter what life throws at us we should be true to our friends who were always there for us despite our backgrounds. It shows that we always need other people to help us get by and when we know they are by our sides things get easier.