HP, on "Love's Sacrifice"


       The theme I chose in this movie is that sometimes love requires sacrifice. The beast makes the ultimate sacrifice when he lets Belle go to find her father, leaving him as a beast for the rest of his life. The beast loves Belle so much that when he sees how unhappy she is in his castle without her father he decides that her happiness is more important than his own and sets her free.
Within the movie there is another “sub sacrifice” that leads up to the beasts sacrifice. This is when Belle knows how sick her father is and that he won’t survive in the dark, damp dungeon, so she takes his place so he can go home. This is because Belle loves her father and puts his needs in front of her own. The message this video is saying is that if you truly love someone, you will do anything to see them happy, even if it means sacrificing your own happiness.
I left the ending of the video this way because you have to live with the consequences of your decisions. The beast sacrificed his life and his human form for Belle, and in the end of this video he dies a beast for Belle to be happy again with her father.  In the movie she comes back to him and they live happily ever after, but in reality it rarely works out that way, so I decided to depict the reality of this theme, rather than the fairytale version.