SL, on "Enchanted"


Released in 1959, Disney's Sleeping Beauty is a captivating film that deals with thematic issues relevant in a religious context. For the purposes of this assignment, I
have chosen to show within my video the thematic issue of love. This assignment
aims to show that true love and goodness can overcome adverse events, such as the
sinister acts and ill wishes from Maleficent that aim to harm Aurora .
The character of the villain Maleficent is depicted with horns which, I feel when
viewed through a Christian scope is an undeniable satanic symbol. She represents
the force of evil in this film, cursing the innocent Princess Aurora while she is an
infant. She also has the ability to morph into a Dragon, which again is a Christian
symbol for Satan. On the other hand, Aurora is an angelic character and is depicted
in the movie as rising to "heaven" on a couple of occasions, which are shown in this
assignment. The Prince, who also rises from Earth at the end, is a self sacrificing
character as he faces the forces of evil for love. The Disney adaptation of Sleeping
Beauty possesses qualities obtained by individuals who follow Pagan religions;
Aurora's love and appreciation for nature and animals, as well as the magical
elements and powers obtained by the good fairies and Maleficent. At the end of this
video, Aurora and her prince dance then the floor disappears and they are dancing
on the clouds, I interpret this as they are dancing into a happy place where they will live happily ever after, but also that they have now been spiritually uplifted.