Photo Gallery of Biology 3714

June 2002

Measuring length of cod chosen for tagging

Weighing cod chosen for tagging

Cod with transmitter

Releasing tagged cod

Externally mounting transmitter on cod

Tracking cod with hydrophone

Beach seining

Beach seine

Collecting specimens from beach seine

The Icicle

The Icicle at Deer Arm

Tom Knight of Gros Morne National Park

Barrier net

Tom Knight of Gros Morne National Park

Electrofishing at Lomond River, Gros Morne National Park


Sceni view of Bonne Bay, Gros Morne National Park



Using YSI to measure water temperature and salinity

Juvenile trout and salmon collected from Lomond River

Tom Knight of Gros Morne National Park

High waters of Lomond River

High waters of Lomond River

Course Instructors Drs. Dave Methven, UNB and Joe Wroblewski, MUN

Bonne Bay marine station in Norris Point, Newfoundland

Emptying contents of the bottom otter trawler


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