Policies about e-mail & phone

I am having a lot of e-mails asking for passwords etc., and many of the people writing don't show up as registered in the course, so:

In short, ask me at/after class, or come in person to my office. E-mail and phone are not for anything that should be dealt with at the class.

1. We only give out passwords in class, and not over e-mail or phone. These are all given out in class and I'm happy to provide them again, but only after class or in person.
2. Please don't e-mail to ask for information that was already given out in class (URLs, format of exams, etc.).
2. If you have a question relating to the course, and you have already done all that is reasonable to solve the issue yourself, you are welcome to drop by my office and ask.
3. E-mail and phone are for urgent matters only. If you need a reply to an e-mail on any matter, you need to include your full name and student number. I need to be able to confirm that you are in the course.