Errata for publications (if you find other errors please report them to me ... thanks)

Article    Erratum/Errata

Bell K.N.I. 2007. Opportunities in Stream Drift: Methods, Goby Larval Types, Temporal Cycles, In situ Mortality Estimation, and Conservation Implications. In Biology of Hawaiian Streams and Estuaries. Edited by N.L. Evenhuis & J.M. Fitzsimons. Bishop Museum Bulletin in Cultural and Environmental Studies 3: 35–61 (2007).  From symposium 2005, Hilo, Hawai'i. (Invited speaker.) [PDFs: low res: 1MB  hi res: 57MB. go to Proceedings site (for all papers)]. ( Rheoplankton sampling methods; goby larval types; seasonal, lunar and diurnal cycles; briefly, conservation implications of drift mortality)

P. 41, should read "dependent", not "independent":
    "Logistical factors like vehicle availability, gear failures, time demands of other work, holidays, staff availability, etc., cannot be expected to correlate with the [in]dependent variable (number of larvae) being sampled, so there is no basis to declare a bias."

Bell, K. N. I.   2009. What Comes Down Must Go Up: The Migration Cycle of Juvenile-Return Anadromous Taxa. p321-342 in Dadswell, M. and Haro, A., Eds., Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment, American Fisheries Society 2nd Symposium on Diadromous Fishes.

P. 321, para. 1: "coinhabitanting" ... a messy typo resulting from an attempt to avoid a longer phrase but not finding quite the right word. Read as "coinhabitant", or if you like "coinhabiting", to indicate those species that share the same habitats. (I couldn't use a form of "cohabit" because that would suggest they at least know each other, which at least can't be proven here.)

P. 329, end of paragraph at top of second column: "... populations far upstream; yet, even at 5 km, the drift survivorship (Sdrift) is only 0.03%"; that should read "0.03" or "3%", but not both.

Figures 6 & 8: these are not wrong but they (unfortunately) don't use the same arbitrary zero, and that leads to a double-take. Figure 6 uses the last quarter as zero, while Figure 8 uses new moon (which really means 'no moon'). Just mentally rotate the plots so the lunar phases are similarly oriented and they are more easily relatable. Figure 7 uses the same arbitrary zero as Figure 6, but as it is all about the second harmonic there are two points in the full (first harmonic) cycle that appear in the position of arbitrary zero: LQ and FQ.