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Barkow, Jerome H., Cosmides, Leda, and Tooby, John. The Adapted Mind; Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture. Oxford University Press. New York-Oxford; 1992 (XII + 676 p.)

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Carroll, Sean B. Endless Forms Most Beautiful. The New Science of Evo Devo and the Making of the Animal Kingdom. W. W. Norton & Company. New-York-London; 2005 (XIV + 354 p. with illustrations by Jamie Carroll * Josh P. Klaiss * Leanne M. Olds + 16 plates)

Carroll, Sean B., Grenier, Jennifer K., and Weatherbee. From DNA to Diversity. Molecular Genetics and the Evolution of Animal Design. First and Second Edition. Blackwell Publishing. Malden-Oxford-London-Edinburgh-Victoria; 2001 and 2005 (XVI + 216 p. and X + 262 p. with illustrations)

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Cohen, Laurent. L'homme thermomètre; le cerveau en pièces détachées. Odile Jacob (Sciences). Paris; 2004 (272 p. + 8 planches d'illustrations)

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Conway Morris, Simon. Life's Solution. Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge; 2003 (XXII + 466 p. with illustrations)

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Darwin, Charles. L'origine des espèces au moyen de la sélection naturelle ou la préservation des races favorisées dans la lutte pour la vie. Garnier-Flammarion (GF # 685). Paris; 1992 (608 p.)

Davidson, Richard J. and Hugdahl, Kennett Eds. Brain Asymmetry. The MIT Press (A Bradford Book). Cambridge-London; 1995 (XIV + 738 p.)

Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene. Oxford University Press. Oxford-New York; 1989 [1976] (XIV + 354 p.)

Dawkins, Richard. The Ancestor's Tale. A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution. With additional research by Yan Wong. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston-New York; 2004 (XIV + 674 p. with illustrations)

Deacon, Terrence W. The Symbolic Species; The Co-Evolution of Language and Brain. W. W. Norton & Company. New York-London; 1997 (528 p. avec illustrations).

Delion, Pierre. Séminaire sur l'autisme et la psychose infantile. Éditions érès. Toulouse; 2009 [1997] (200 p.)

DeMause, Lloyd. Foundations of Psychohistory. Creative Roots, Inc. New York; 1982 (8 + VI + 338 p. with illustrations)

Denton, Derek. L'émergence de la conscience; de l'animal à l'homme suivi de discussions avec sir John Eccles, Miriam Rothschild et Donald Griffin. Flammarion (Champs # 397). Paris; 1995 [1993] (256 p. avec illustrations)

Denton, Michael. Évolution; une théorie en crise. Flammarion (Champs # 228). Paris; 1988 (1985) (386 - 2 p.)

Deshays, Anick. Libres propos philosophiques d'une autiste. Presses de la Renaissance. Paris; 2009 (196 p.)

De Waal, Frans. De la réconciliation chez les primates. Flammarion. Paris, 1992 [1989] (384 p. avec illustrations)

Donald, Merlin. Origins of the Modern Mind; Three Stages in the Evolution of Culture and Cognition. Harvard University Press. Cambridge-London; 1991 (X + 414 p.)

Donald, Merlin. A Mind so Rare. The Evolution of Human Consciousness. W. W. Norton & Company. New York-London; 2001 (XIV + 2 + 376 p.)

Donville, Barbara. Vaincre l'autisme. Odile Jacob (Poches # 195). Paris; 2008 [2006] (288 p.)

Dover, Gabriel. Dear Mr Darwin. Letters on the Evolution of Life and Human Nature. University of California Press. Berkeley-Los Angeles; 2000 (XVI + 272 p.)

Doyle, Richard. On Beyond Living. Rhetorical Transformations of the Life Sciences. Stanford University Press (Writing Science). Stanford; 1997 (XII + 180 p.)

Dyson, Freeman. Origins of Life. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge-London-New York-New Rochelle-Melbourne-Sydney; 1985 (2 + X + 84 p.)

Eberhard, William G. Sexual Selection and Animal Genitalia. Harvard University Press. Cambridge-London; 1985 (X + 2 + 244 p. with illustrations)

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Eccles, John C. Evolution du cerveau et création de la conscience; à la recherche de la vraie nature de l'homme. Flammarion (Champs # 294). Paris; 1994 [1992, 1989] (4 + 380 p.)

Edelman, Gerald M. Neural Darwinism; The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. Basic Books. New York; 1987 (XXII + 376 p. with illustrations)

Edelman, Gerald M. The Remembered Present; A Biological Theory of Consciousness. Basic Books. New York; 1989 (XXII + 346 p. with illustrations)

Edelman, Gerald M. Bright Air, Brillant Fire; On the Matter of the Mind. Basic Books. New York; 1992 (XVI + 288 p; with illustrations)

Edelman, Gerald M. Biologie de la conscience. Odile Jacob. Paris; 1992 (370 - 2 p.)

Edelman, Gerald M. and Tononi. A Universe of Consciousness; How Matter Becomes Imagination. Basic Books. New York; 2000 (XIV + 274 p. with illustrations)

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Fleury, Vincent. Des pieds et des mains. Genèse des formes de la nature. Flammarion (Champs # 585). Paris; 2003 (224 p. avec illustrations)

Fleury, Vincent. La chose humaine ou la psysique des origines. Vuibert. Paris; 2009 (4 + 220 p.)

Foley, Robert. Another unique species. Patterns in Human evolutionary ecology. Longman Scientific & Technical. Essex-New York; 1987 (XXII + 314 p.)

Frank, Robert H. Passions within Reason; The Strategic Role of the Emotions. W.W. Norton & Company. New York-London; 1988 (XVI + 304 p.)

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Frith, Uta. Autism. Explaining the Enigma. Blackwell (Cognitive Development). Oxford-Cambridge; 1989 (X + 204 with illustrations)

Gärdenfors, Peter. How Homo Became Sapiens: On the Evolution of Thinking. Oxford University Press. Oxford-New York; 2003 (X + 246 p.)

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Gauchet, Marcel. L'inconscient cérébral. Seuil (La Librairie du XXe siècle). Paris; 1992 (224 p.)

Ghaziuddin, Mohammad. Mental Health Aspects of Autisme and Asperger Syndrome. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. London-Philadelphia; 2005 (256 p.)

Gibson, James J. The Perception of the Visual World. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston; 1950 (XII + 2 + 242 p.)

Gibson, James J. The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston; 1966 (XVI + 336 p.)

Gibson, James J. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston; 1979 (XVI + 336 p. with illustrations)

Godfrey-Smith, Peter. Complexity and the function of mind in nature. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology). Cambridge-New York-Melbourne; 1996 (XIV + 312 p.)

Goodwin, Brian. How the Leopard Changed its Spots : The Evolution of Complexity. Werdenfeld & Nielson. London; 1994 (XIV + 238 p. + 8 p. of illustrations)

Gould, Stephen Jay. Darwin et les grandes énigmes de la vie. Pygmalion (Sciences # S43). Paris; 1979 [1977] (320 p.)

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Gould, Stephen Jay. The Structure of Evolutionary Theory. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachussetts-London, England; 2002 (XXIV + 1438 p. with illustrations)

Gouyon, Pierre-Henri. Les harmonies de la Nature à l'épreuve de la biologie. Evolution et biodiversité. Une conférence-débat organisée par le groupe Sciences en questions. Préface de François Rodolphe. Editions INRA (Sciences en questions). Paris; 2001 (96 p. avec illustrations)

Gowaty, Patricia Adair. Feminism and Evolutionary. Biology. Boundaries, Intersections, and Frontiers. Chapman & Hall/International Thomson Publishing. New York-Albany-Bonn-Boston-Cincinnati-Detroit-London-Madrid-Melbourne-Mexico City-Pacific Grove-Paris-San Francisco-Singapore-Tokyo-Toronto-Washington; 1997 (XXII + 624 p.)

Grandin, Temple. Thinking in Pictures and Other Reports from My Life with Autism. Foreword by Oliver Sacks. Doubleday. New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-Auckland; 1995 (224 p. + 8 plates of illustrations)

Grandin, Temple, and Johnson, Catherine. Animals in Translation. Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior. Scribner. New York-London-Toronto-Sydney; 2005 (10 + 358 p.)

Guthrie, R. Dale. Body Hot Spots. The Anatomy of Human Social Organs and Behavior. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. New York-Cincinnati-Atlanta-Dallas-San Francisco; 1976 (XIV + 242 p. with illustrations)

Guyon, Pierre-Henri, Henry, Jean-Pierre et Arnould, Jacques. Les avatars du gène; la théorie néodarwinienne de l'évolution. Belin (Regards sur la science). Paris; 1997 (336 p. avec illustrations)

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Heft, Harry. Ecological Psychology in Context. James Gibson, Roger Barker, and the Legacy of William James's Radical Empiricism. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers (Resources for Ecological Psychology). Mahwah-London; 2001 (XXXVI + 436 p. with photographs)

Heisenberg, Werner. La nature dans la physique contemporaine. Gallimard (Idées # 4). Paris; 1962 (192 p.)

Henly, Mary Ed. Vision and Artefact. Springer Publishing Company. New York; 1976 (XVIII + 190 p.)

Hoenigswald, Henry M. and Wiener, Linda F. Ed. Biological Metaphor and Cladistic Classification; An Interdisciplinary Perspective. University of Pennsylvania Press. Philadelphia; 1987 (XIV + 290 p.)

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Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer. The Women That Never Evolved. With a New Preface and Bibliographical Updates. Harvard University Press. Cambridge-London; 1999 [1981] (XXXII + 2 + 266 p.)

Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer. Mother Nature. A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural Selection. Pantheon Books. New York; 1999 (2 + XX + 730 p. with illustrations + 4 p. with 5 plates)

Hugdall, Kennett, and Davidson, Richard J. Eds. The Asymmetrical Brain. The MIT Press (A Bradford Book). Cambridge-London; 2003 (XIV + 802 p.)

Jablonka, Eva, and Lamb, Marion L. Epigenetic Inheritance and Evolution. The Lamarckian Dimension. Oxford University Press. Oxford-New York-Tokyo; 1995 (XIV + 346 p.)

Jablonka, Eva, and Lamb, Marion L. Evolution in Four Dimensions. Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life with illustrations by Anna Zelyowski. The MIT Press. Cambridge-London; 2005 (XII + 468 p.)

Jacob, François. La Souris, la Mouche et l'Homme. Odile Jacob (Poche # 16). Paris; 2000 (224 p.)

Jacquard, Albert. Au péril de la science; interrogations d'un généticien. Seuil (Science ouverte). Paris; 1980 (224 p.)

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Jaisson, Pierre. La fourmi et le sociobiologiste. Odile Jacob. Paris; 1993 (320 p.)

Jaynes, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston; 1976 (XII + 470 p. with drawings)

Johnson, Mark H. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. An Introduction. Second Edition. Blackwell Publishing. Malden-Oxford-Victoria; 2005 [1999] (XX + 236 p. with illustrations + 4 plates)

Jones, Doug. Physical Attractiveness and the Theory of Sexual Selection. Results from Five Populations. Foreward by Donald Symons. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan (AP 90). Ann Arbor; 1996 (XIV + 178 p. with 6 plates of photographs)

Joule, Robert-Vincent, et Beauvois, Jean-Léon. La soumission librement consentie; comment amener les gens à faire librement ce qu'ils doivent faire. PUF (Psychologie soicale). Paris; 1998 (VIII + 216 p.)

Kahn, Axel. L'homme, ce roseau pensant... Essai sur les racines de la nature humaine. NiL Éditions. Paris; 2007 (336 p.)

Kanner, Leo. Childhood Psychosis: Initial Studies and New Insights. John Wiley & Sons. New York-Toronto-London-Sydney; 1973 (XII + 284 p. with a photography of the author)

Karli, Pierre. L'homme agressif. Odile Jacob (Points # OJ4). Paris; 1987 (480 p.)

Kay, Richard F., Cartmill, Matt and Balow, Michelle; "The hypoglossal canal and the origin of human vocal behaviour". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Volume 95 / Number 9. Washington; April 28, 1998 [p. 5417-5419].

Kimura, Doreen. Sex and Cognition. The MIT Press (A Bradford Book). Cambridge-London; 2000 (X + 2 + 220 p.)

Kimura, Motoo. The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge-London-New York-New Rochelle-Melbourne-Sydney; 1983 (XVI + 368 p.)

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Kourilsky, Philippe. Les artisans de l'hérédité. Odile Jacob (Points # 0J8). Paris; 1990 [1987] (352 p.)

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Lafon, Claude. Idées reçues en biologie. Ellipses (L'esprit des sciences # 25). Paris; 2004 (128 p.)

Laitman, Jeffrey T. «L'origine du langage articulé». La recherche. Numéro 181. Paris; octobre 1986 [p. 1164-1173].

Langaney, André. Le sexe et l'innovation. Seuil (Points # S54). Paris; 1979 (192 p.)

Langaney, André. Les hommes; passé, présent, conditionnel. Armand Colin. Paris; 1988 (256 p.)

Langaney, André. Le sauvage central. Raymond Chabaud. Paris; 1991 (252 p.)

LaPlante, Eva. Seized. HarperCollins Publishers. New York; 1993 (XII + 2 + 258 p.)

Leakey, Richard E. et Lewin, Roger. Les origines de l'homme. Préface d'Yves Coppens. Flammarion (GF # 138). Paris; 1985 [1977] (2 + 286 p.)

Legdin, Norm. Ces autistes qui changent le monde. Préface de Temple Grandin. Salvator. Paris; 2008 [2002] (240 p. avec dessins)

Lehoucq, Roland. L'univers a-t-il une forme ? Édition actualisée, 2004. Flammarion (Champs # 562). Paris; 2002 (176 p.)

Leroi-Gourhan, André. Mécanique vivante; le crâne des vertébrés du poisson à l'homme. Fayard (Le Temps des Sciences). Paris; 1983 (264 p. + 8 p. de planches) [p. 245-250].

Lestel, Dominique. Paroles de singes. L'impossible dialogue homme-primate. La Découverte (Textes à l'appui, série sciences cognitives). Paris; 1995 (216 p.)

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Lewin, Roger. L'évolution humaine. Seuil (Sciences # S70). Paris; 1991 [1989, 1984] (412 p.)

Lewontin, Richard. The Triple Helix. Gene, Organism, and Environment. Harvard University Press. Cambridge-London; 2000 [1998] (8 + 136 p.)

Llenas, Rodolfo. I of the Vortex. From Neurons to Self. A Bradford Book The MIT Press. Cambridge-London; 2001 (XII + 308 p. with illustrations)

Lifton, Robert Jay. The Broken Connection. On Death and the Continuity of Life. Simon and Shuster. New York; 1979 (XII + 500 p.)

Lloyd, Elisabeth A. The Case of the Female Orgasm. Bias in the Science of Evolution. Harvard University Press. Cambridge-London; 2005 (8 + 312 p.)

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Lodé, Thierry. Les Stratégies de Reproduction des Animaux. L'aventure évolutive de la sexualité. Préface de Jacques Blondel. Dunod (Sciences de la vie). Paris; 2001 (XIV + 274 p. avec illustrations)

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Lombardo, Thomas J. The Reciprocity of Perceiver and Environment. The Evolution of James J. Gibson Ecological Psychology. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Puvblishers (Resources for Ecological Psychology). Hillsdale-London; 1987 (XX + 396 p.)

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Pennock, Robert T. Tower of Babel; The Evidence against the New Creationism. MIT Press. Cambridge-London; 1999 (XXII + 434 p.)

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