A 40 bar reel for four couples in a square set
  bars movement
  1 - 2 All set, taking nearer hands with partner.
  3 - 6

The four women dance clockwise round the square in front of their partner, behind the next man, to finish in the opposite place facing the opposite man on the side of the square. (Figure 1)

The men turn to face right on bar 5.

  5 - 8

All set.

At the end, 1st and 3rd couples face own partner across the square; 2nd and 4th couple stay facing on the sides.

  9 - 12

1st and 3rd couples turn partner with right hands halfway round to finish facing out the side. They they dance with nearer hands joined to the nearest side and finish facing partner.

Meanwhile 2nd and 4th couples retire for two steps and then dance towards partner for two steps.

  13 - 16

2nd and 4th couples turn partner with right hands halfway round to finish facing out the side. They they dance with nearer hands joined to the nearest side and finish facing to the right.

Meanwhile 1st and 3rd couples retire for two steps and then set.

  17 - 20 2nd couple dance a half dolphin reel of three with 1st man and 3rd woman while 4th couple dance a half dolphin reel of three with 3rd man and 1st woman.
  21 - 24

2nd and 4th couple dance left hands across once round in the centre.

At the end, 2nd man follows his partner out to third place while 4th man follows his partner out to first place, all facing to the left.

  25 - 28

2nd couple dance a half dolphin reel of three with 1st woman and 3rd man while 4th couple dance a half dolphin reel of three with 3rd woman and 1st man.

At the end. 1st and 3rd couples finish in fourth and second places, respectively.

  29 - 32

2nd and 4th couple dance right hands across once round in the centre.

At the end, 2nd woman follows her partner out to fourth place while 4th woman follows her partner out to second place.

33 - 40 All dance eight hands round and back.
This dance is inscribed to Noreen MacLennan in honour of her service to Scottish Country Dancing in St. John's (Newfoundland) and to celebrate her award of the Scroll from the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.

Suggested music:

© 1998, Martin E. Mulligan


 Web edition first posted 28 May 1999