* Example 10.6 READ (DATA10-3) Period EXCHRATE * Reproduce Figure 10.8 GRAPH EXCHRATE /LINEONLY * generate lag exchange rate genr exchrat1 = lag(exchrate) * generate change in exchange rate genr dxchrate = exchrate - exchrat1 * generate lag in dxchrate genr dxchrat2 = lag(dxchrate) * The first observation on ecchrat1 (and therefore dxchrate) is not known. * Therefore the first TWO observations on dxchrat2 are not known. * suppress the first two observations smpl 3 157 * estimate unrestricted model ols dxchrate exchrat1 dxchrat2 * * Alternatively, the Dickey-Fuller tests can be generated automatically * using the COINT command. * COINT automatically adjusts the sample for the appropriate lags. sample 1 157 COINT exchrate * The appropriate specification is CONSTANT NO TREND (since there is no * time trend in the model). * The first test statistic reported is the t-test. stop