Pedro Quijon


Pedro completed his PhD in November of 2004.

He is now currently a professor at the University of Prince Edward Island.

My Interests...

I'm interested in benthic communities and marine ecology in general (see publications/presentations). Currently, I’m a graduate student with Dr. Paul Snelgrove at the Ocean Sciences Centre, Memorial University.  My research focuses on recruitment and distribution of predators (snow crab, pandalid shrimp, rock crab…) and their influence as regulators of shallow benthic assemblages in Bonne Bay, Gros Morne National Park. To generate data and test the pertinent hypotheses our work involves a broad exploratory sampling and experimental work, in the field as well as in the lab. We base this work on the facilities of the old Field Station of the Biology Department (today the new Bonne Bay Research Station) in Norris Point, Western Newfoundland. You can get a broad idea of this research in this poster summarizing preliminary results.

Before Memorial, I started my career at the Universidad Austral de Chile, in Valdivia, Southern Chile. I did my BSc and MSc degrees with Dr. Eduardo Jaramillo at the Intituto de Zoología. During those years we worked on estuarine and coastal areas of the region in a collaborative work with Dr. Mario Pino and others from Institutos de Geociencias and Zoología. Later on, we extended that research North and South, to compare benthic communities from larger portions of the Chilean coast (see publications).

If you visit Newfoundland I suggest you to visit Gros Morne. It is full of incredible scenery and the kindest people you can meet. If you visit Southern Chile, you can’t miss Valdivia, its coast, and the University. Let me know if you are interested in any of my publications, or any other aspect of the information summarized here. Comments are always welcome.


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