FRANÇAIS 2601 (002). Format de l'examen final (40 %).

Décembre 2010

The final examination for French 2601 (section 002) will be held on Friday, December 10 at 9:00 a.m. in SN-4078.

Notes on writing the exam:

1. Give only one answer for each question.
2. No materials may be consulted.
3. All answers must be written in the examination booklet.
4. All answers must be written in ink.
5. Cellphones must not be on any desks during the examination.
6. Cheating of any kind is a serious academic offence and can result in the offender being expelled from university.
7. The examination will have 4 pages.
8. Place the examination paper inside the answer booklet before handing in your exam.


I. Dictée (4 % de la note finale). A short dictation of two or three sentences taken from one of the readings studied during the term and practised in class.

For the rest of the examination, approximately two thirds of the questions will concern Simenon's Folle de Maigret, and the remainder the other readings studied in class (Murat, Maillet, Hémon, La Bruyère, Williams, Piller).

II. Grammaire (6 %)

Six questions on the grammar of the readings, each discussed in class. Will require answers such as replacing a verb in the passé simple by a verb in the passé composé, choosing the grammatically correct sentence from a choice of five sentences, and explaining the meaning of certain pronouns and conjunctions in a sentence.

III. Vocabulaire (compréhension) (6 %). Six questions. Vous donnerez l'équivalent exact en anglais (ou en français) du mot ou de l'expression en italique. (Your answer must be in the same tense, number, person, etc., as the original. Will be taken from passages discussed in class.)

Exemple : Si seulement elle ne s'était pas acheté cette sacrée télévision ! (Simenon, p. 55)
Réponse : she had not bought herself

IV. Vocabulaire actif (6 %). Six questions. Vous donnerez l'équivalent exact en français du mot ou de l'expression en anglais en italique. (Your answer must be exactly the same French word or expression as in the original, and in the same tense, number, person, etc.)

All words or expressions will be chosen from the the French 2601 Vocabulaire actif page.

Exemple : Ça a des nerfs, (if you can believe it), et du ventre et du coeur.
Réponse : figurez-vous

V. Questions sur les lectures. Répondez en français aux questions suivantes (18 %). Eighteen questions concerning significant details of the plots and themes of all the readings studied during the semester. Most will require one-word answers; a few more than one word.

Exemple : Dans quel village de l'Acadie habitait Cécile Murat quand elle rédigeait son journal intime ?
Réponse : La-Pointe-de-l'Église