Feminist in Disney

Feminist in Disney

AC, on "Feminist in Disney:"

My Disney video project is about the female feminist characters throughout multiple films. I choose to do several clips because there wasn’t just one strong character or movie that represented the empowerment of women. Merida, Rapunzel, Mulan, Nala, Kida, Gogo, Honey lemon, Elastigirl, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather all demonstrate how women are equal to men in the strength they have and their ability to fight. In the scene from Mulan 2, Mulan is seen teaching young girls how to fight like warriors. Tina and Tarzans mother show that women are equal to men by doing the same hands on work and building as the men. Audrey and Captain Amelia show they are equal to men by their careers. Audrey is an engineer and captain Amelia … well she is the captain; the one in charge. Kala, Ariel, Pocahontas, Esmeralda, show that they are capable of saving and protecting others; representing themselves as heroes, indicating that women, along with men, can be a hero. Elsa, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather show physical powers representing the strength they have. Merida, Moana, Miss Bianca, Calliope, Clio, Thalia, Terpsichore, and Melpomene show that they are going their own way/creating their own path stress how they do not need a man to follow, they can be the leader. And when Merida breaks her dress it symbols her breaking the stereotype of women. In Lilo and Nani's scene it shows them being themselves and not being confined, again representing them being able to choose their own path. Each character, although all Feminist, show different ways of empowerment and by having each individual clip come together it shows what it takes for a women to be equal to men and also how she can be a powerful individual.