World War I



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The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century

An interactive site that allows you to explore the history and ramifications of World War I.

Comprehensive Links Page

An incredibly deep links page that brings you in contact with almost everything pertinent and applicable to World War I.

BBC News: Great War Material

A collection of the news material collected and distributed by the BBC over the years.

BBC History: The Great War

The BBC's website on their remembrance of tragedies and events of World War I.

PBS Timeline of the Great War

A nice interactive visual timeline of the chronological events that occurred throughout the war.

Multimedia History

A solid website looking at the historical events of the war through various multimedia technologies.

Canadian War Museum

The official website of the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.

American Perspective

A site outlining the American perspective of their involvement in the war.

Documents Archive

A comprehensive website detailing the document archives of the war.

An Age of Anxiety

Many links to pages and original documents that deal with the events and issues of the interwar period in Europe as well as the rest of the world, including the direct results of the First World War and the League of Nations.


A good site of various maps of the war.



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